
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

wang besar-wang besar

dalam menempuh era peperiksaan ini...janganlah kita kekurangan DUITS...kerana ini penting bg menjamin kejayaan kita

D is for DOA...don't forget to pray and wish sumthing. ALLAH loves to hear the sound of His servants who pray to Him...

U is for USAHA...U have to put some effort to gain achievement that you want it. without effort, it's just useless...

I is for ISTIQOMAH... do Istiqomah or be persist in your efforts and pray...

T is tawakkal...after doing all that, leave it to GOD. coz He knows what is the best for U.

S is for SYUKUR...we should be grateful on everything the result will it become. coz He knows thing we don't know. He knows the best thing for us.

walau apa keadaan sekalipun, dalam kesusahan mahupun kesenangan, semuanye berlaku atas keizinan Tuhan Yang Esa.ALLAH S.W.T...

lakukanlah sesuatu dengan keizinanNYA...

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